Monday, February 15, 2010

B A N A N A S... Go bananas!!

My favorite Banana Bread recipe comes out of "Nielsen Family Favorites" recipe book. It's all the favorite recipes from my hubbies side of the family. It really should be published for all to enjoy. So many of his Aunts, cousins, and so on, are amazing cooks and have gone to cooking classes. I feel like these recipes are the best of the best (well, there is the occasional "O-kay, not going to do that recipe again." But it doesn't happen too often).

So here is the recipe that was put in by Jake's cousin, Michelle.

Banana Bread

1 C. Sugar
4 T. Butter
1 Egg
1 C. Mashed bananas (4-5 thoroughly ripe bananas)
1 1/2 C. Flour
1/2 tsp. Baking soda
Cream butter, sugar, and egg. Beat in the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Bake in a greased and floured loaf pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes at 350°. (I bake mine at 325° for around 70min. so the outside doesn't get too done before the inside is cooked.)

1 comment:

Seena said...

Hey Sabrina,
I made this today and added some kind of mushy strawberries I had. It was super yummy! Thanks again for the recipe! It's so simple with so few ingredients. Also, I used a dark pan, so only cooked it for 50 min @325 and it turned out perfect.